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Welcome to the website of Arqueobios (Andean Center of Archaeological and Paleontological Research) our institution has adequate scientific infrastructure and 20 years of experience of its specialists in implementing bioarchaeological analysis with materials from excavations in the Andes and since 2002 with experience in the analysis of marine invertebrates from archaeological sites in the Iberian Peninsula, Africa and Saudi Arabia. Within this context, our institution offering services relating to bioarchaeological analysis of materials from the Andean region of Latin. Now with the ease offered by technology offer a space to share content among all our visitors and users, to consult and discuss, hopefully all freely and responsibly to benefit from this initiative.
The Director.
Last Archaeobios Files
- Revista de Bioarqueología ARCHAEOBIOS N° 19-2024
(Archaeobios 2024) - 0-INTRODUCCIÓN
(Archaeobios 2024) - 1-Identificación de restos vegetales como evidencia de forrajes en coprolitos de camélidos de Huaca de la Luna
(Archaeobios 2024) - 2-Uso de la flora maderable mediante análisis antracológico de muestras procedentes del sitio precerámico Cruz Verde-valle de Chicama
(Archaeobios 2024) - 3-El árbol de algarrobo (Prosopis pallida) en la curación y la brujería de la costa norte del Perú
(Archaeobios 2024) - 4-Relevance of mobile genetic elements (MGE) on biology and evolution from first hominids to modern humans – Review
(Archaeobios 2024) - 5-Relevancia de los elementos genéticos móviles (EGM) en biología y evolución desde los primeros homínidos hasta los humanos modernos – Revisión
(Archaeobios 2024)