Our Organization


The Andean Center of Archaeological and Paleontological Research (“Centro de Investigaciones Arqueobiológicas y Paleoecológicas Andinas”; ARQUEOBIOS) was founded on 19th October 1993, by Public Deed, folio 2626 of Trujillo (Peru), being the first board of directors integrated by:

  • President: Sr. Víctor Vásquez Sánchez (Biologist). (curriculum)
  • Vice-President: Srta. Teresa Rosales Tham (Archaeologist). (curriculum)
  • Legal Adviser: Sr. Edgard Rodas Huertas (Lawyer). (curriculum)

ARQUEOBIOS was constituted after the statutes approved in a general assembly of the associates on 20th September 1993, with the aim to try and improve the living status of the general community, by means of the scientific research.

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