Research and Scientific Production
a).- Lecturing of courses and conferences on Prehispanic natural resources of the north coast of Peru (“Recursos naturales Prehispánicos de la costa norte”), for the students at the Archaeology School (“Escuela de Arqueología”) of the Faculty of Social Sciences (“Facultad de Ciencias Sociales”) at Trujillo National University (“Universidad Nacional de Trujillo”; UNT), Peru. Since 1993 to present.
b).- Participation on organic material analyses of the archaeological project Juaca de la Luna (Peru). Supported by the Ford Foundation and the Faculty of Social Sciences (“Facultad de Ciencias Sociales”) at Trujillo National University (“Universidad Nacional de Trujillo”; UNT), Peru. Since 1993 to present.
c).- Research project on old seeds for a new live (“semillas antiguas para una vida nueva”) with the International Center for Corn and Wheat Breeding (“Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo; CIMMYT) at Mexico and the Danish Agency for the International Development (DANIDA) at Copenhagen. Since 1993 to 1995.
d).- Participation on organic material analyses of the archaeological rescue project CHAVIMOCHIC. Contract by the Regional Institute of Culture (“Instituto Regional de Cultura”) and the CHAVIMOCHIC project. From 1991 20 2002.
e).- Participation on non-human organic material analyses of the archaeological project Acarí, Yauca, Atiquipa, Chala. supported by the California Institute of Peruvian Studies (CIPS), Berkeley (USA) and the Catholic University (Universidad Católica) Santa María de Arequipa. Denver, Colorado, USA. May 1995.
f).- Organization of Conference on corn, tradition and biotechnology (“maíz, tradición y biotecnología”) by Dr. Robert McK. Bird, Associate Research at Applied Biotechnology Laboratory (“Laboratorio de Biotecnología Aplicada”) of the International Center for Corn and Wheat Breeding (“Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo; CIMMYT) at Mexico, in collaboration with the Faculty of Social Sciences (“Facultad de Ciencias Sociales”) at Trujillo National University (“Universidad Nacional de Trujillo”; UNT), Peru. March 1995.
g).- Organization and lecturing of the workshop course on paleozoology and paleobotany of the Andean area (“Paleozoología y Paleobotánica del Área Andina”), for the students at the Antioquia University (“Universidad de Antioquia”) in Medellín (Colombia). In collaboration with the Archaeology School (“Escuela de Arqueología”) of the Faculty of Social Sciences (“Facultad de Ciencias Sociales”) at Trujillo National University (“Universidad Nacional de Trujillo”; UNT), Peru. July 1995.
h).- Participation on non-human organic material analyses of the archaeological project Moche urban zone (“zona urbana Moche”) at the archaeological complex Huacas del Sol y la Luna, directed by Dr. Claude Chapdelaine, from Montreal University (Canada). Since 1995 to 2001.
i).- Infrastructure and participation on the practical part of the postgraduate course on zooarchaeology at the Archaeology School (“Escuela de Arqueología”) of the Faculty of Social Sciences (“Facultad de Ciencias Sociales”) at Trujillo National University (“Universidad Nacional de Trujillo”; UNT), Peru, lectured by Dr. Jonathan D. Kent from the Metropolitan State College of Denver (USA). Since January to May 1996.
j).- Participation on the project analysis of organic material associated to the burials of the Lambayeque de Huaca Cao Viejo, El Brujo archaeological complex (“análisis de material orgánico asociado a los entierros de la época Lambayeque de Huaca Cao Viejo, Complejo Arqueológico El Brujo”), directed by Dr. Jonathan D. Kent. Since January to May 1996.
k).- Participation on the archaeobotanical project Ticumán, Edo. de Morelos (Mexico), with the patronage of the National Institute of Anthropology and History (“Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia”; INAH) and the national museum of agriculture (“Museo Nacional de Agricultura”) of the Autonomous University of Chapingo (“Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo”), Perú. June 1996.
l).- Participation on organic material analyses of the National Park (“Parque Nacional”) Río Abiseo, with the patronage of the Colorado University (USA). Since February to August 1997.
m).- Project on the study of the pre-feasibility of the rearing and handling of the llama (Lama glama) at the coastal ecosystem of Tucume (“estudio de pre-factibilidad de la crianza y manejo de Lama glama ‘llama’ en el ecosistema costero de Tucume”), Lambayeque Department (Peru). Supported by the National Counsel of Science and Technology (“Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología”), Contract no. 144-03-96-OAI, Lima (Peru).
n).- Participation on botanical remains material analyses of the López Viejo site, Manabí province (Ecuador). With the patronage of the York University (United Kingdom). Since July to December 1997.
o).- Project on recollection, biotechnological characterization and in situ conservation of native corn germplasm in the Chicama, Moche, Virú and Chao low and medium valleys (“recolección, caracterización biotecnológica y conservación in situ de germoplasma de maíz nativo en los valles bajo y medio de Chicama, Moche, Virú y Chao”). Supported by the National Counsel of Science and Technology (“Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología”). Contract CONCYTEC no. 544-OAI-97, Lima (Peru) and the International Center for Corn and Wheat Breeding (“Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo; CIMMYT) at Mexico.
p).- Infrastructure and assistance on the practical part of the postgraduate course on zooarchaeology, theory, methods and techniques (“zooarqueología, teoría, métodos y técnicas”). Organized by the postgraduate section of the Archaeology School (“Escuela de Arqueología”) of the Faculty of Social Sciences (“Facultad de Ciencias Sociales”) at Trujillo National University (“Universidad Nacional de Trujillo”; UNT), Peru; and Madrid Autonomous University (“Universidad Autónoma de Madrid”), Spain. Since January to February 1998 (64 hours).
q).- Project on ecosustainable handling and cultural development of the archaeological complex Santa Rita B, Valle de Chao (“manejo ecosustentable y desarrollo cultural del complejo arqueológico Santa Rita B, Valle de Chao”). Supported by the Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado (USA) and the California Institute of Peruvian Studies (CIPS), Berkeley (USA). Since 1998 to present.
r).- Project on osteometric, genetic and genomic studies of llama (Lama glama) by the analysis of ancient and modern DNA [“estudios osteométricos, genéticos y genómicos de la llama (Lama glama), mediante el análisis de DNA antiguo y moderno”], carried out by ARQUEOBIOS, National Museum of Natural Sciences (“Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales”) at Madrid, Cordoba University (“Universidad de Córdoba”) at Spain and Madrid Autonomous University (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) at Spain.
s).- Project on isotopic studies on camelid bone remains from the zona urbana Moche (“estudios isotópicos sobre restos óseos de camélidos de la zona urbana Moche”) in collaboration with the Archaeozoology Laboratory (“Laboratorio de Arqueozoología”) at the Madrid Autonomous University (“Universidad Autónoma de Madrid”), the National Museum of Natural Sciences (“Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales”) at Madrid and the C14 Dating Laboratory, Tokyo University (Japan).
t).- Project on functional studies of bone tools by traceology, zona urbana Moche (“estudios funcionales sobre herramientas óseas mediante traceología, zona urbana Moche”) in collaboration with the Archaeozoology Laboratory (“Laboratorio de Arqueozoología”) at the Madrid Autonomous University (“Universidad Autónoma de Madrid”) and the National Museum of Natural Sciences (“Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales”) at Madrid.